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Audrey Caylin

Saturday, September 23, 2017

{WRITERS AND AUTUMN} 7 reasons why we're the perfect match

  HAPPY AUTUMN *throws leaves in the air* I’m sorry, my summer-loving friends, but the season of falling leaves, nippy winds, and delicious scents has finally arrived!

It has come to my attention during my near-year of blogging that a lot of writers say autumn is their favorite season, myself including. So today, in honor of the first day of fall, I’m revealing the seven reasons why writers and autumn are often the perfect match. (if you’re a writer who does not like autumn, don’t worry—this post is for amusement ;)



Saturday, August 5, 2017

{REALM MAKERS 2017 HIGHLIGHTS} + internet hiatus

thank you Keturah and Tracy for being in my header graphic ;)


You may have heard that I went to Realm Makers 2017 last weekend. I can honestly say that it was a major turning point, a giant stepping stone in my writing journey.

Right now I can't quite figure out what to say in this post. I mean, what happened at the conference was so much that I can't put it into a single post that is a length anyone would dare read on a Saturday morning. I tried journaling about it earlier, but missed so much. I'm...speechless. What it was like. What I learned. Just.... *mind explosion*


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Saturday, July 22, 2017

{CAMP NANO VLOG} i ramble about writing

if you know where I am bc of all the pictures, shhh don't say ;)

On the first of the month, I opened up a survey for you to ask ALL the questions about my writing, and I answered them in the video below.

YES I ACTUALLY TALKED. #introvertaccomplishments



Saturday, May 13, 2017

It's A Journey

picture from pinterest

Life seems to be a lot about destinations.

You know, finish high school. Graduate college. Get married. Retire. Or, on a smaller level: finish that book, get through that school year, make it to that date. That's why people have bucket lists, I guess. So they can cross off important events in their lives that they've accomplished.


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Saturday, April 22, 2017

6 MONTH BLOGVERSARY: What I've Learned From Being A Blogger

I've been blogging for six months.

That doesn't feel right. I feel like I've been doing this forever, but six months actually isn't a long time

To celebrate the halfway point to my one year blogversary, I've thought back on the past months and put together a post of all the things I've learned from being a blogger.



Saturday, April 8, 2017

When You Have To Wait

Just admit it: you don't like to wait. No one does. Waiting is just... waiting. And patience doesn't come easily to any flawed human (but if it does to you, please tell me your secrets in the comments).

(but don't comment on how ironic this post is, because I'm asking you guys to wait until the 22nd for my next post.)

So today, I'm going to talk about the hardest thing for writers: waiting to write. And not just procrastinating, but literally being told to wait to work on an idea.



Saturday, March 4, 2017

Write From Your Heart

I know: February (and Valentine's Day) is over, so technically I should have posted this last month. However, this has been on my mind so much that I needed to write it.


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Saturday, February 25, 2017

What I Learned From My Alpha Reader

I recently had the experience of someone being the first to read my novel, the first to ever read my work.  In other words, I had an alpha reader. An alpha reader is the person who looks at your novel for the first time. The first set of eyes to glare at it after you. ;-) Some people have critique partners do this, or friends or family. I would suggest someone who knows you well enough to give positive but honest critique and lots of encouragement.


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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Dear Word-Doc: What We Wish We Could Tell Our Office-Writers

('Cause I've wanted to do one of these ever since I started blogging XD)

The holidays are nearing. Whether we're eagerly awaiting for relatives to arrive or writing letters to faraway ones, now is the time of year when family and friends are often on our mind. The end of the year is nearing, and even with Thanksgiving over, we still find time to thank them for all they've done in our lives and for just being here.

So I thought this would be the perfect time to give a shout-out to our best friends, our encouraging companions who are there through every writing project we do, whether we call ourselves a novelist or not.

Our Word-docs.

Whether you use LibreOffice or Microsoft-Office or something I can't name, almost all writers (unless you use Scrivener or something like that) spend hours every week using a program like this. They all have their issues, and now, after Nanowrimo, I thought it would be a good time to write our lovely Office-writers a letter.


Dear Word-Doc.... 

(Pictures from Pinterest. Yes, I know what a typewriter is XD)



Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Rebelution

I am a rebelutionary.

What does that mean? You've seen me describe myself as that and probably wondered if I made the word up.

It is made up. Just not by me.

Years ago, two brothers named Alex and Brett Harris started blogging about young people rebelling against low expectations. That's what a rebelutionary is: a young person who goes above and beyond what is expected for the glory of God.

I don't label myself as this to brag. It's become such a big part of who I am and my writing. Today, I'm going to share that story with you.

(Pictures from Pinterest)(No, that's not me :P)


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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Almost December!!!!!!!

First off, can you believe that!?! It's Christmas next month, people!! 2017 is almost here!!!!!

I know. I'm way ahead of the season right now.

*clears throat politely*

How was your Thanksgiving?

 (Pictures from Pinterest) (I know I'm spamming you with fall leaves right now)


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Saturday, November 19, 2016

One Week Of NaNo

 So last week I started Nanowrimo eleven days in. You heard that I panicked and went insane, and you're probably wondering about my mental health after a decision about that. ;-)

Here it is:



That just about sums up how I am right now. I even decided to take the day off from writing because I'm so brain-dead and just can't do it today. But I'm proud of myself for surviving this late start. Here's a summary of what I got done:

55,035 words

Insane, right? 55,035 words and one week. *raises hands* check me for cheating, but I put a lot of things on hold to get this done. Like eating and sleeping and breathing... but I had a wonderful family that understood my desperation to write 50,000 words in a week. I created that deadline myself, something which I am infamous for. It was insane. I wouldn't do it again. Okay, I'll stop rambling and give you the blow-by-blow account. 

 (Pictures from Pinterest)  (No I did not go crazy on caffeine)



Saturday, November 12, 2016

I Think I've Gone Over the Edge = NaNo + Snakes? & A Storyboard Reveal

I have officially gone over the edge.

I've been talking about rest and waiting to do NaNo lately. But no. Apparently, the plot bunnies aren't going to let it go like that.

So let me tell you the story of how I decided to do NaNo after eleven days in.

It starts with snakes.

 (Pictures from Pinterest)

Snakes + Bunnies = NaNo


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Saturday, November 5, 2016

NaNoWriMo, Writer Rants, and Some Updates....

Yay!!!! It's National Novel Writing Month!!!! *throws confetti*

 (Pictures from Pinterest)


To make a blogfession, I didn't know about NaNo until this past year (*horrified scream in background*). Once I looked it up and found that writers to NaNo is like cats to catnip, I was hooked. Then I looked at all my WIPs and groaned. So many ideas. So many unplotted novels. And a self-made deadline of finishing Found by the end of November. 

I plan to watch all the craziness this year and join in next time. I probably wouldn't sleep if I tried to work on two novels at once or set aside the vicious plot bunnies of Found.


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Sunday, October 30, 2016

My Writing Process

My writing process... wow. That's a big topic. Over the past three years in which I've been 'writing seriously' I've learned a lot. I'm constantly changing it and trying new things, but here's a basic overview of how I spend my days write, in a few basic steps.

#1 The Idea


Aughhhhhh! *cue frustrated scream* For some reason, this is always the hardest part for me. I know, I know. The idea is the book. But I usually get stuck at this step for quite awhile when trying to start a new project. The reason why?

I force myself to get an idea.

What I've learned:

Good ideas don't come like that.

