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Audrey Caylin: May 2017

Saturday, May 27, 2017

{C U R R E N T L Y} (aka: abbriviated May wrap-up)

(updated 5/29 I'm a bit under the weather, so this post is going to count as my wrap-up. I'll be back on Saturday though! <3)

Just because I'm dead tired this week and have never done a post like this but have always wanted to.... I give you a snippet of my life ;)



Too. Many. Words. xD I started rewriting Found several weeks ago, armed with a hefty outline. I thought that outline was going to be a fantastic guide that would help me overcome my problem of writing too many words per scene (seriously. that's a real problem. my wordcounts are waaaay too high. I just start a scene and ramble). Unfortunately, I just kinda.... went over it. The first quarter of my book is 40,000 words \(*.*)/
I'm going to try and cut that when I get to editing xP



Saturday, May 20, 2017

Why Every Writer Should Be A Beta Reader

Beta reading -- I didn't used to think about it much before I started writing seriously. (Fact About Me: I used to be jealous of the people who got to beta read my favorite books. still am. I mean, they got to read that book for free and give their opinion on it ;)

Then, last September, when I got my flash of inspiration to start spending hours a day at a keyboard (that's how it went) I started thinking of the mysterious organism called the beta reader, the one who had all the connections to the people with the cool books in need of a new mind to critique them. Seriously. Who wouldn't want to read a book for free and give an opinion on it that the author will actually take into consideration before publication?!?

Beta-reading excitement aside, is that really the only reason why we beta read novels?



Saturday, May 13, 2017

It's A Journey

picture from pinterest

Life seems to be a lot about destinations.

You know, finish high school. Graduate college. Get married. Retire. Or, on a smaller level: finish that book, get through that school year, make it to that date. That's why people have bucket lists, I guess. So they can cross off important events in their lives that they've accomplished.


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Saturday, May 6, 2017

The #VoicesofYA tag


Okay, so Caitlin @Quills and Coffee tagged me for this EPIC tag and OMW I'm so excited! Thank you, Caitlin!

